Ecological Footprint

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Bildergebnis für norwegen österreich flagge

We want to make a project about the ecological footprint in Norway and Austria. We'll take information from the internet and will do a survey in the respective countries. Then we will proceed to make an accurate presentasion based on that information. We especially will focus on the differences between Austria and Norwegian and we will talk about the climate protection policy, too.

Climate Protection Policy:

  • Climate protection policy is understood as meaning political measures aimed at stopping and reducing global warming and the required following adjustments in policies due to climate change. One of the main goals is the reduction of greenhouse gases.

The Paris agreement:  the Paris agreement is an agreement between the 195 member-states of the Nations Framework convention on climate change. Its goal is the protection of the climate in succession to Kyoto-Protocol. Apart from the USA, every country has signed the Paris climate protection treaty.

Austria: Austria wants to reduce its greenhouse gases by 16% by 2020 compared to 2000. The EU has already decided to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 by up to 40% compared to 1990.
Austria was once quite advanced in terms of climate protection, but now it is no longer one of the leading coutries. Due to the Paris agreement, Austria, now has to increase, for example, its bicycle-traffic by 15% as one step in the right direction.

Austrian measures:
·        expansion of green electricity
·        Expansion of thermal solar energy
·        Heat generation through biomass
·        Efficient use of waste heat from power plants and industrial plants
·        Expansion of the district heat supply


Interview Questions:
1.How often, how much and which type of meat do you eat per week?
2. Where do you buy your meat?
3.  How often do you go to restaurants?

4. How many cars does your household have?
5. Are that or those cars electric, hybrid or normal?
6. How often do you drive and or how Long?
7. How often do you take public transportation?
8. Do you have a drivers licence?
9. Do you separate the waste?
10. What different types of trash cans do you have?

11. How often do you buy new clothes?
12. Where do you buy your clothes?
13. How often do you change your clothes?
14. About how many clothes  do you have at home?
15. In what type of home do you live?
16. How do you heat your home?
17.  How often do you shower or take a bath?
18. What type of cleaning or heating systems do you have?


The simplest way to define ecological footprint would be to call it the impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce the goods consumed and to assimilate the wastes generated. More simply, it is the amount of the environment necessary to produce the goods and services necessary to support a particular Lifestyle.

Europe726.9 Mio2
Non EU- Countries239.6 Mio1.7
Norway4.6 Mio3.4
Austria8.2 Mio2.4

Tagebuch Norwegerbesuch

Wir haben unsere Gäste um 14:50 Uhr in der Rahlgasse getroffen, nach einer kleinen Jause und Ansprache unsere Direktorin bin ich mit meinem Gast Asbjorn nachhause gefahren. Ich Wir haben gegessen, danach sind wir beide in unseren Zimmern geblieben, später ist Asbjorn schlafen gegangen da er müde war.

Alle Teilnehmer haben sich um 12:00 Uhr vormittags am Stephansplatz getroffen dann haben wir einen Stadtrundgang gemacht, ca. bis 16:00 Uhr. Anschließend sind wir heimgefahren, um 19:00 hab ich ihn zur Volksoper gebracht und ca. um 20:30 abgeholt.


Wir haben einen Ausflug nach Schönbrunn gemacht, sind auf die Gloriette gegangen und dann nach Hause. Am Abend sind ich und Asbjorn Burger essen gegangen.

8:15 – 13:00 Projektarbeit. Am Nachmittag waren wir im Prater und sind Riesenrad gefahren. Danach sind wir heimgefahren.

8:15 – 13:55 Unterricht, nachmittags Cafe, danach ins Museum für Angewandte Kunst.

Unterricht für mich, Asbjorn war auf einer Musikgeneralprobe. Am Nachmittag waren wir im
Zoo Schönbrunn.

8:15 – 13:00 Unterricht, dann Freizeit, abends essen imSiebensternbräu, ein Restaurant der Wienart.

Tag des Abschieds.

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